Why engage an IT company rather than a ‘one-man-band’?

one man band

We sometimes find that businesses rely on sole contractors (“IT one-man bands”) for their IT Support. Whilst they may find this works for them from a cost perspective, it does pose some challenges.


What happens if the contractor is on holiday?


What if they’re off sick?


Availability issues aside, what assurances do you have that they are maintaining their standards and capabilities in line with the latest technologies? Information Technology is the fastest-moving industry on the planet, and it’s no exaggeration to say that last year’s latest technology is already outdated today.


Furthermore, how proactive are they? Are they monitoring your systems continuously? Are they conducting regular patching (particularly important from a cyber security perspective)? Or do they just work on issues on an ad hoc basis?


Given the importance of IT to your business (ask yourself honestly- how long could you operate without your IT systems?) is it really something that should be left to an IT one-man-band to take care of?


That’s why when you engage a professional IT support company – such as Fresh Mango Technologies – it is so important for your IT Support. In one fell swoop all of the above concerns go away:

  • We have a team of IT Support technicians so there will always be someone available to assist you
  • We train our staff on a continuous basis – weekly internal training and all technicians are required to continue their education with external qualifications every year
  • We monitor client systems continuously and conduct regular server health checks as well as backup checks, and conduct regular patching.


If any of this sounds familiar and resonates with you, maybe it’s time to contact Fresh Mango for a no-obligation IT audit – we’ll be pleased to assist and provide our recommendations for smooth and secure management of your IT systems.


It’s time to make IT Mango!

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