Cloud Services from Fresh Mango

Cloud Services

Fresh Mango Technologies provide cloud services to our client base across Yorkshire. Whether you are a small business looking to operate entirely in the cloud, or perhaps a company looking for a hybrid on-premises / cloud services solution, we can advise, implement and manage your requirements accordingly.


If you’re new to IT Cloud services, you may wish to read our introduction to the topic – ‘What is the Cloud?’. 


We also have a guide to Cloud Servers available, as well as Cloud Email.


Of course, no Cloud services provision would be complete without Cloud Backup. This topic is so important that we have a dedicated website devoted to cloud backup!


Contact Fresh Mango Technologies today to get started on your journey to the Cloud!


Yorkshire Cloud Services

Read on to find out more about our Cloud Services!

What is the Cloud?

“The cloud” is simply computer servers that are accessed over the Internet, along with the software and databases that run on those servers. Cloud servers are located in data centres worldwide. The Cloud, therefore, allows data to be stored ‘off-premises’.

Using cloud computing, users and companies don’t have to manage physical servers themselves or run software applications on their own machines. Data can be backed-up to the Cloud, providing for off-site backup and disaster recovery.

The cloud allows you to access the same files and applications from almost any device, because the computing and storage takes place on servers in a data centre, instead of locally on the user device. This is why you can log into your Instagram account on a new phone after your old phone breaks and still find their old account in place, with all your photos, videos, and conversation history. It works the same way with cloud email providers like Gmail or Microsoft Office 365, and with cloud storage providers like Dropbox or Google Drive.

For businesses, switching to cloud computing removes some costs and overhead: for instance, they no longer need their own servers. This especially makes an impact on small businesses that may not have been able to afford their own internal infrastructure but can outsource their infrastructure needs affordably. It can also make it easier for companies to operate internationally because employees and customers can access the same files and applications from any location.


There is much to consider before pressing the button on your cloud move. We have set out some of the considerations below.


A physical server is the preferred option for performance-oriented scenarios. With the server being secure and located on your premises, data transfers are fast and server access is not broadband-dependent. Also, a physical server provides more control over your data internally (and data security). Sometimes, a physical server may be the only solution if your business operates specific line-of-business applications.


A cloud server removes any hardware and maintenance costs (but note you will still have to pay monthly for your new cloud server!). It can be easily accessed from everywhere where you have an internet-connected computer. However, it – and therefore your business – is reliant on Internet broadband. The broadband will need to be fast, especially if you have many users are large files to edit. Also, it may not be possible to run certain applications on a full cloud environment.


The next consideration is your Domain Controller.


Active Directory is the best option for complex and large networks structure, with multiple users/departments and computers. It provides several tools to manage users and computers in detail and specifications. Active Directory can manage every network component in the system, including other servers.


For this reason, AD is the preferred solution for any case if on-premises application servers are required. Active Directory is not accessible from outside the network without configuring a VPN access, and it requires a physical server environment to operate.


Azure AD is the perfect and efficient solution for small networks, especially if newly provisioned. It provides a central management point for users and limited control over computers overall. Azure AD also provides management for mobile devices and tablets.


Since Azure AD is a cloud service, it can be accessed from anywhere and everywhere, but it is a broadband-dependent service. Azure AD can be integrated with other cloud services, such as Office 365 and OneDrive/SharePoint as they are part of the Microsoft system.


Moving to the cloud isn’t as simple as flicking a switch (unfortunately!). Careful advance planning and setup work is required. Once everything is ready a date for your data migration needs to be set. Fresh Mango will work with you to prepare and execute a project plan for your Cloud Migration.


Working with a Cloud-based server has differences and nuances that are different to an on-premises-based server environment. Fresh Mango will work with you and your team to help smooth the transition process.


In these scenarios, a Cloud solution is almost certainly the way to go. However, if you are a growing business and have certain requirements – server-deployed software, security etc, a Physical server may be the way to go. Talk to us and we’ll be able to make recommendations accordingly.

We hope that helps and do contact Fresh Mango today to get started moving to the Cloud!


Cloud servers are servers that are not on your premises. It’s in a data centre or Cloud facility somewhere else. A full-service cloud server allows you to manage and deploy all software you would use for your business day-to-day. And of course, it provides complete access to your files and folders and access level control for the same.

Clearly for your business to operate with a cloud server requires a robust and fast Internet connection for all your stuff. Typically, people living in open areas and cities should have no problem with this, but those people based in rural locations should review their internet speeds locally.

We’ll be happy to talk to you about the pros and cons of a cloud-based server versus a premises-based server solution for your business.