Why Cyber Essentials has a positive impact for SMEs

Why Cyber Essentials

Fresh Mango Technologies has been assisting companies in achieving Cyber Essentials accreditation for several years now.

We were recently asked if we could provide examples of how CE accreditation has benefitted clients who we have assisted. Great question! A simple way to find out – we asked them! We’re pleased to share some of their answers below.

Why Cyber Essentials? Client 1 - Move to a Better Solution

A customer prior to achieving CE accreditation had 3 on-premises servers and separate MDM software for mobile devices.


Undertaking CE allowed a better solution to be proposed, Intune. This removed the requirement for 3 servers and a separate MDM software, bringing it all into one place.


KISS, “Keep It Simple Security”. The importance of simplicity in security measures to make them more effective and easier to manage was achieved by implementing Cyber Essentials.

Client 2 - Upgrading Hardware

Prior to implementing CE, this customer was using basic and unsupported networking equipment.


This was upgraded to meet the CE specification and provide constant resilience to provide daily protection from threats before and within the network.

Why Cyber Essentials? Client 3 - Implementing Secure Configuration

Before implementing Cyber Essentials, this customer was using shared accounts and no multi-factor authentication.


Subsequently, as part of the CE accreditation, all accounts and permissions were separated out, and multi-factor authentication was enabled.


This ensures constant resilience by reducing the threat landscape as no shared accounts, and correct file permissions will always be in place and reduce the risk of unauthorised access.

Client 4 - Compliance with Contracts

Cyber Essentials helps businesses see the importance of cybersecurity and how It affects all their stakeholders, not just themselves.


It demonstrates how important it is to have secure systems to protect other people’s data and systems.


Increasingly procurement departments are requiring CE accreditation from suppliers. This is because they know that CE helps identify companies who understand how resilience with cyber security is key to successful operations, not just a small add-on.

So there you have it – straight from the horse’s mouth! So, now that you’ve seen how Cyber Essentials has benefitted some of our clients, isn’t it time to get your business CE accredited?


Contact Fresh Mango today to commence your CE journey. 

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