GDPR online training
General Data Protection Regulation Online training for Employees
Welcome to our GDPR online training for employees course information page! On this page you can view screenshots of our online training portal, read about the benefits of our online training, and enroll for the course! A clear understanding of employee responsibilities for GDPR is essential in the modern workplace, and our online course makes gaining that understanding straightforward.
We look forward to welcoming you to the course.
GDPR online training portal screenshots
Benefits of our online training
- It’s modular, so trainees can go at their own pace
- It’s online so can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection
- It’s very cost-effective, particularly when compared to classroom-based tuition for GDPR
General Data Protection Regulation Online training for Employees – course information
The GDPR online training for employees course covers the following modules:
- What is GDPR
- Definitions
- Rights of Data Subjects
- What is Personal Data
- Handling Personal Data
- What happens when it all goes wrong
- Course Summary
- Test your Knowledge.
As for all our e-learning courses, the GDPR online training for employees course can be accessed via our online portal. They are designed to provide a basic and advanced level of training to any number of personnel. We are able to provide accurate statistics on the number of users enrolled, their progress and results.
Our e-learning courses are a cost-effective and hassle-free method of user awareness training. They reinforce the growing importance of GDPR, cybersecurity and compliance as well as the development of good working habits to protect your organisation.
Why e-learning?
• Delegates are able to work at their own pace
• Elearning courses can be rebranded and customised for your organisation
• Easy to understand
For more information on the General Data Protection Regulation, you can visit our GDPR page here. The full regulation is available from the EU GDPR website here.