IT Credits Support

Our IT Credits support plan is ideal for businesses that like to know IT support is on hand when they need it, but for whom a full MSP support package is not required.

IT Credits support is often taken by small companies with a handful of computers and other devices, and who do not have major demands on their system (eg software packages specific to their industry, third-party systems joined to their network).

With our IT Credits support plan, you simply purchase some credits. Then each time you make an IT support request a portion of your credits are used-up, depending on how long the request takes. You receive an automatic reminder when your credits run low.

Why would you take out an IT credits plan? Well, there are some compelling reasons:

  1. You benefit from a guaranteed maximum response time
  2. You benefit from lower hourly rates than customers who are not on am MSP/retainer/credits plan
  3. You benefit from the combined pool of technical knowledge across our technical teams, including our Caribbean sister company technicians (useful if you’re working late in the UK!)

Would you like to find out more? Simply click the button below and we’ll be in touch soonest!

IT ‘Credits’ Support Summary
This is our credits support plan, we can tailor our support to your specific requirements as necessary.
Response Time Telephone & Email Tickiting 24/7/365 Portal  Tickiting Remote Support On-Site Support
6 hours Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Remote Server Health Checks Scheduled On-Site Visits Backup Monitoring Backup Testing Desktop/Laptop Health Checks
On request On request On request On request On request
What Happens Next?

Once you proceed with us, here is what you can expect:

  1. A Welcome Pack. This summarises our support, and also provides a summary of what to expect from us. This helps customers and their staff to understand the work we perform, so we encourage clients to share it with everyone who uses a computer. It helps us to help you.
  2. Telephone / Remote and Onsite support with immediate effect.