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Cyber Security
Fresh Mango Technologies provide a comprehensive range of cyber security services. We continue to innovate and meet market demands, which is why our complete cyber security service has been developed to maximize the security of our client’s IT systems.
We help to prevent and resolve cyber issues for clients throughout Yorkshire, the United Kingdom and Worldwide.
Contact Fresh Mango Technologies today and start your journey to cyber security peace of mind.
“We simply had no idea how vulnerable we were until we engaged Fresh Mango to assess and harden our cyber security”
Yorkshire-Based major transport company.
Our Cyber Security services in detail
Broadly speaking, our cyber security services can be categorised as follows:
- Assessment – assessing your levels of cyber vulnerability
- Testing – determining and proving the cyber vulnerabilities
- Hardening – cyber-hardening your systems and processes to reduce your risk of a hack
- Training – cyber awareness training for all staff (they represent one of your biggest risks if untrained)
- Accreditation – Achieving a recognised level of cyber security in your business (Cyber Essentials or ISO27001)
We explain each of these in more detail below.
Cyber security service – Cyber Assessments
We conduct complete cyber assessments to determine the best way to protect your systems. Our cyber assessments are tailored to your specific requirements, offering a range from a single application test to far-reaching tests where no vulnerability information is provided and every system and network is in scope.
Your vulnerability assessment starts from the outside of your organisation and works inwards. We will conduct an electronic technical scan and assessment of an organisation’s IT infrastructure, this allows us to identify and report on any potential vulnerabilities that may exist.
Your assessment can cover the following vulnerable areas (this will be agreed with you prior to the assessment):
- Firewalls
- Routers
- Managed / Unmanaged Switches
- Hubs
- User Access Devices (UAD)
- Servers (Windows / *nix)
- Wireless Access Points
- Web Applications
- Public Website

Cyber security service – Cyber Testing (Penetration Testing)
Our penetration testing uses specialist capabilities to act and behave like an aggressive and disruptive force to offer a complete assessment of your systems and any vulnerabilities they may have.
This will include (but is not limited to) the following cyber-attack techniques :
- SQL Injection
- Cross-Site Scripting
- Covert Data Harvesting
- Password and Credential Harvesting
- Denial of Service
- Application and Operating System Exploitation
- Server and Network Shut Down
This highly technical assessment phase will be undertaken by our cyber security experts and managed both safely and securely to ensure the availability, confidentiality and integrity of all client information assets. It can also be conducted in conjunction with your IT team or without their knowledge, whichever you prefer.

Cyber Hardening
Once your cyber assessment and cyber testing are complete, it’s time to review the results and decide what to do about them.
This will invariably require:
- Improvements to your IT systems configuration (and sometimes equipment)
- Staff Training
- Additional Software
- Improved policies, procedures and processes
and additional cyber hardening as required by the results of the assessments and tests.

Cyber Awareness Training (Cyber Hygiene)
Cyber hygiene refers to how you and your staff conduct yourselves from an online perspective.
So, it’s not just about IT usage within your business, but also an individual’s overall approach to internet usage and your internal policies and processes.
Our cyber hygiene training provides the first line of defence against cybercriminals.
The cyber media conduct annual surveys of cyber threats and attacks and consistently finds that 4 out of 5 successful cyber attacks can be traced back to poor cyber hygiene from internal staff.
Believe it or not, your staff inadvertently allow or help hackers to gain access to your systems.
Cyber hygiene training opens eyes to the threats that are out there; not just in emails, but on Facebook, websites, LinkedIn, and pretty much anywhere online!
Cyber awareness training can be conducted face-to-face or in a webinar format.

Cyber Accreditation and Certifications
There are several recognised cyber certifications available for businesses. The most recognised are:
- Cyber Essentials
- Cyber Essentials Plus
- Cyber Baseline
- ISO27001
Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials certification is awarded on the basis of a verified self-assessment. It is a recognised UK government-sponsored scheme.
An organisation undertakes their own assessment of their implementation of the Cyber Essentials control themes via a questionnaire, which is approved by a senior executive such as the CEO. This questionnaire is then verified by an independent certification body to assess whether an appropriate standard has been achieved, and if so, the certification can then be awarded.
This option offers a basic level of assurance and can be achieved at a low cost. Fresh Mango Technologies can conduct the certification process on your behalf.
Cyber Essentials Plus
Cyber Essentials Plus offers a higher level of assurance through the external testing of the organisation’s cyber security approach.
Given the more resource-intensive nature of this process, our certification provides a more detailed assessment, which will require our team to review and assess your technical controls to achieve this enhanced certification.
The CE and CE+ badge will enhance your business’s reputation and open up new commercial opportunities by proving to their customers and business partners that they take the information security of their company seriously.
The Cyber Essentials Plus badge will enhance your business’s reputation and open up new commercial opportunities.
Cyber Baseline
For businesses and organisations not based in the United Kingdom, the alternative to Cyber Essentials is Cyber Baseline.
Done properly, an ISO27001 cyber security system helps you put all the pieces together to counter the cyber threat. It is best suited for larger organisations.
ISO/IEC 27001 formally specifies a management system that is intended to bring information security under explicit management control.

Contact Fresh Mango Technologies today and start your journey to cyber security peace of mind.
Leeds IT Support, Leeds Computer Support
Leeds Cyber Security
Contact Fresh Mango for all your Leeds cyber security requirements.
Ripon Cyber Security
Contact Fresh Mango for all your Ripon cyber security requirements.
Endpoint Detection and Monitoring
Fresh Mango also provide the following cyber security systems for clients:
Endpoint Detection and Monitoring.
Managed Detection and Monitoring.